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Top 50+ Git Commands


It is a well-known fact that Git commands are vital for effective maintenance of the source code. If you are planning to venture into the web development industry, at one point or the other, it is crucial to be well-knowledged in Git commands. Why? Because it is proven to be the pillar of software development. The more you learn about it, the better.

Now, if you have been years into this industry, you may be using various Git commands on a day-to-day basis with each serving its own purpose. But which of these are the best Git commands? Keep reading to know the top 50 Git commands every developer should know. 

Key Git Commands For Every Developer

Here are the key 50+ Git commands that can step up the game for any developer. 

  1. git config: Helps to set the git configuration values. 
  2. git init: Used to create a new git repository. 
  3. git clone: Helps to clone the git repository. 
  4. git add: Helps to add the file contents to the staging. 
  5. git mv: Used to rename or move the git repository files. 
  6. git branch: Used to create or list or delete branches. 
  7. git diff: Helps compare the changes in the files. 
  8. git rm-f: Used to remove files from Git Repository. 
  9. git status: Provides information on the Staging Area and Repository. 
  10. git log: Used to filter git logs and show commit history. 
  11. git checkout: Helps to switch between branches. 
  12. git fetch: Used to download remote git repository. 
  13. git push: Helps update remote branch along with local commits. 
  14. git revert: Used to change/revert the present commits. 
  15. git merge: Helps to change/merge the git branches. 
  16. git pull: Helps to download and merge the git repository. 
  17. git rebase: Used to change/modify various commits. 
  18. git stash: Helps to locally save the uncommitted changes. 
  19. git reset: Used to revert the git repository commits. 
  20. git reflog: Helps monitor the branch changes. 
  21. git remote add: Used to view, create and delete connections, mostly to other repositories. 
  22. git remote remove: Helps remove the remote URL from the repository. 
  23. git blame: Used to examine a file’s contents in detail and view the author behind the modifications. 
  24. git describe: Helps to find a recent tag that can be reached from a commit. 
  25. git archive: Helps to create an archive file from various git references. 
  26. git rm: Also known as git remove, it is used to remove files from a git repository. 
  27. git bisect: Helps to check out a commit that is between different states. 
  28. git fetch – all: Helps fetch the remotes and branches that are registered. 
  29. git config – local: Used to arrange the git configuration values, be it for a project or global level. 
  30. git grep: Helps to search a specific content on the git repository. 
  31. git branch – track: Used to create a relationship to the remote branch: 
  32. git push – delete: Helps to delete a remote branch. 
  33. git fetch – prune: Helps to get rid of branches that are outdated. 
  34. git merge – squash: Used to minimize the git history of branches upon request. 
  35. git push – force: Helps to overwrite the remote branch. 
  36. git add – all: Helps to maintain the code version.
  37. git workout: Used to work in multiple Git branches as well as checkout at the same time. 
  38. git shortlog: Shows a summarized view of the git log output. 
  39. git apply: Helps to apply the output of a git command in the form of a new commit in a direct manner. 
  40. git clean: Used to delete the files that are untracked in the local working tree. 
  41. git cat-file: Used to obtain command tag contents which are displayed to users. 
  42. git check-ignore: This inbuilt command helps to see if a file is ignored or not. 
  43. git instaweb: Helps to browse git repository in a web browser. 
  44. git gc: Gc stands for garbage collection and the command is used for repository maintenance. 
  45. git filter-branch: Helps to modify a repository’s history. 
  46. git bundle: Used to arrange or pack a repository into a single file. 
  47. git daemon: A server specifically for git repositories. 
  48. git fsck: Helps to find and restore commits and files that are lost. 
  49. git am: Used to incorporate single or multiple git email patches and include them as commits on local git branch. 
  50. git svn: Supports the interaction of git with Subversion repositories. 
  51. git fast-import: Used to exchange data between control systems that are of different versions. 

52.git show-ref: Shows the references and related commit IDs that are available in a local repository.

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